#1 Gym Injury you’re in Danger of (And How to Avoid It!)

Phil Heath Shoulder | Shoulder Injury
Look at the size of those Delts! Huge right? That may be so but they’re STILL not big enough to save even the 6 time Mr.Olympia Phil Heath  (guy in the picture above) from the number one gym injury.

You’re probably thinking: “Of course he can get injured, he’s lifting very heavy weights that I’d never lift”. I’ll tell you that while it’s true that you probably don’t lift the same weight as Phil Heath, this injury can happen to ANYONE who is lifting what’s considered heavy for their individual level of fitness.

Meaning that if you’re a newbie who’s pressing 30 lb. dumbbells over your head and that’s what’s heavy for you, then you’re prone to this injury too.

What’s this injury I’m talking about? It’s a shoulder injury and it is absolute hell. Not just because of the pain that comes with having a shoulder injury but the activities it keeps you from doing. Imagine not being able to put your t-shirt over your head without pain or holding the steering wheel while driving for even short periods of time. And quite possibly the worst thing is; imagine going to the gym to train chest but your shoulder hurts after every single rep!

Bench Press Sad | Shoulder Injury

Everyone who’s had a shoulder injury knows this feel.

There is a solution though. And it involves training a specific group of muscles that no one ever talks about. Like EVER. It’s a small group of muscles that’s responsible for keeping everything in your shoulder joint stable which ultimately prevents pain.

A group of muscles that are so important in fact, that if you didn’t have them, your arms would literally be dangling from your body. So the more these muscles get weakened, the more your arms hang loose from your body, and the stronger they are, the more tightly connected to your body they get.

It’s time to start thinking about training in a new way. Not training JUST for aesthetics any more but for functionality, performance and safety as well because at the end of the day, if you end up like this:

Shoulder Injury Cast | Shoulder Injury

Then it’s back to square one again. And it can be avoided so easily by knowing what to do and why to do it.

Be someone who trains smart. And your first step to doing that is by watching my video below where you’ll learn how to train smarter and avoid the most common gym injury known to man.


P.S. if you’ve ever had a shoulder injury, comment below on how you got through it whether it was through physical therapy or just waiting until it went away. I’d love to hear your story.

Suneet Sebastian

Suneet Sebastian is a self-confessed fitness science nerd. His passion and desire for learning, educating and promoting critical thinking in the fitness industry is what sets him apart from the average "guru". He has made a name for himself as an elite Strength & Conditioning coach among professional athletes and regular enthusiasts alike with his extremely detailed and thorough advice backed by concrete science and leaves absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to educating and empowering those that seek to take their fitness to a whole new level. To know more about Suneet's background and the story behind the foundation of Sebastian Fitness Solutions, click here.

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Showing 6 comments
  • Raj A. Iype

    It’s like you read my mind. I’m currently experiencing a condition known as frozen or freezing shoulder. Never heard about it before. Wish I had though. It would have saved me a lot of pain and trouble. I found your video very useful. To answer your question, I’m currently going for physiotherapy with gentle exercises. I hope to hit the gym soon but can’t say when.

    • Suneet Sebastian

      Sorry to hear that Raj but the good thing is that recovery rates from frozen shoulder are fairly good and relatively quick. Just hang in there with the physiotherapy and slowly but surely start reintroducing movements – particularly mobility exercises for the shoulder before eventually returning back to weights. Be patient and positive and you’ll get back to the gym before you know it! 🙂

  • Apurva Shah

    Hey Suneet,

    Thank you for this insight! YES I’ve recently had a shoulder injury mid-year 2016 and although I did physio therapy and needling, I had to wait out almost 2-3 months for it to completely subside. After seeing this video now I know the exact cause for it. Will include work on the RC group muscles directly from hereon!


    • Suneet Sebastian

      Hey Apurva,

      Yeah, shoulder injuries can take a long time to heal. Mostly because of all the reasons I mentioned in the video.
      But what matters is that you’re fine now. And most importantly, that you’ve identified the cause and plan to take up measures to never let that happen again.
      That’s the way!

      Here’s to progressive and injury free training this New Year 2017! 🙂

  • Susan George

    Hi i just wanted to ask that it has been 6 month science i am doing gym, when ever i do chest press exercise it causes pain in shoulder, is there any problem or it is normal ??

    • Suneet Sebastian

      Hey Susan,
      That sounds like something you should get checked out by a physiotherapist. Only a proper physical examination and possibly a scan can tell exactly what’s wrong there.

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