ABS vs CORE – Difference? | Do Squats & Deadlifts build a Six Pack? | Abs vs Core Training

People who get a great set of abs from squatting and deadlifting are the type of people who will also tell you their stats to go along with it. For example they’d say something like: “I only do compound movements like squats, bench, deadlift, I’m 38 years old and 6’2 220lbs and have abs.”

Squats for your abs | ABS vs CORE - Difference? | Do Squats & Deadlifts build a Six Pack? | Abs vs Core Training

Did you notice something? He’s not telling you how you can get your own set of Abs. He’s only interested in showing off how little he can do and still get results!

Yes, some people are genetic freaks who can get jacked doing even the stupidest of things. But they’re not the ones who go out of their way like you do to look for articles like this because, why would they? They’ve already got what they want. You’re reading this article today because you want the results that seem so hard to get and the advice that the showoff gave you just wasn’t cutting it.

So you’re in the right place because today we’re going over why your average gym bro is wrong to give you advice about your Abs/Core. For starters they aren’t even the same thing yet everyone still seems to use the words “Abs” and “Core” like they’re interchangeable. If you wanted to get ripped abs by training your core then you’re in for a rough surprise at the end of your journey because chances are, you’re not going to get the results you want.

Here is a picture of what the Abs (6 pack muscles) are:

Rectus Abdominis | ABS vs CORE - Difference? | Do Squats & Deadlifts build a Six Pack? | Abs vs Core Training

And here’s what the Core is:

The Core | ABS vs CORE - Difference? | Do Squats & Deadlifts build a Six Pack? | Abs vs Core Training

Yep, all those muscles with the fancy, scientific names are part of the core. And they all get trained differently depending on the exercise that you do. To learn what the Core does in comparison to what the Abs do, watch my video to get all of what you need to know so you’ll never be confused about either of them ever again.

P.S. if you’ve been training your Core by thinking you were training your abs (or vice versa); how long have you been doing it for? Do you wish you could’ve had that time back after watching this video? Comment below!

Suneet Sebastian

Suneet Sebastian is a self-confessed fitness science nerd. His passion and desire for learning, educating and promoting critical thinking in the fitness industry is what sets him apart from the average "guru". He has made a name for himself as an elite Strength & Conditioning coach among professional athletes and regular enthusiasts alike with his extremely detailed and thorough advice backed by concrete science and leaves absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to educating and empowering those that seek to take their fitness to a whole new level. To know more about Suneet's background and the story behind the foundation of Sebastian Fitness Solutions, click here.

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  • nitul

    nice post
    this post very useful for me.

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