If you’ve been at the fitness game for a while, chances are you’ve been haunted by, what is probably the single greatest menace in our journey to the body of our dreams… Stubborn fat.
Yup! That pesky little area that, no matter how ripped you get elsewhere, just doesn’t seem to budge and unfortunately, sticks out like a sore thumb!
Now if you’re a guy, that stubborn area of yours is probably your sides and lower back aka your “love handles”. Oh the irony! There ain’t nothing to love about that monstrosity! I should know because I have the same problem. That dang love handle fat is the first to come and the last to go! Sound familiar?
You could also have this same problem at your belly. Or if you happen to be a lovely lady; then its probably your hips and thighs that are giving you trouble. But at the end of the day, it’s the same ol’ story with the same ol’ enemy – stubborn fat.
And given how unbelievably annoying it can get; there’s no shortage of people desperately looking online for a solution to get rid of this stubborn fat. And where there is demand, there is supply. So you’ll find countless articles and videos on what exercises to do to lose your love handles or to trim those thighs.
And then of course you have this:
Notice that Photoshop work though. LOL!
Full disclosure: I actually fell for this crap way back when. I was 17 at the time and was going through my ‘shortcut’ phase. Sigh!
When I look back, I can’t help but laugh (and frankly, get a little pissed) at the commercials they used to run for this. They’d show this crappy animation where they’d show this contraption send heat waves to the fat cells through the skin and “melt” them. *Rolls eyes*. But hey, I fell for it! And so did literally thousands in my country.
Fast forward all these years later and guess what’s taken it’s place?
Turns out now you gotta freeze your fat. Not melt it. LOL!
Do you see the pattern here? I hope so.
Now while it may be easy for most of you to spot these scams with all the information available on the internet these day… The same can’t be said for all those workout programs, special diets or magical pills that claim to target your stubborn fat. Especially when so called fitness “experts” are the ones perpetrating them.
Today I’m going to share with you the TRUTH behind those “love handle workouts” or “thigh toning exercises”. I’m going to share with you what it REALLY takes to get rid of that stubborn fat so you can finally cut the crap and get right to it.
Watch the video below and get ready to say goodbye to those “Love” handles:
Now that you’re done watching, answer this:
What is the stubborn fat area on your body? And what all did you try to get rid of them? Comment below and let me know. Let’s see how many love handle vs belly fat vs hips&thighs folks are out there 😛
Until next time,
Keep Learning, Keep Growing!