Why Strength & Aesthetics are INSEPARABLE | Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

Bodybuilder vs Powerlifter | Why Strength & Aesthetics are INSEPARABLE | Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

Strength training vs. bodybuilding is sort of like the red pill vs. blue pill but in the lifting world. Many people choose the blue pill and live in ignorance of what the other side has to offer thinking that it has to be one or the other. What I mean is that a lot of the bodybuilding guys don’t think that they have to lift heavy and many of the guys in the strength training camp don’t believe that they have to care about how they look.


What if i told you - Strength and Aesthetics | Why Strength & Aesthetics are INSEPARABLE | Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

Yes, you bodybuilding guys can benefit from heavy strength training because the number 1 thing that makes muscles grow is DIRECTLY related to being able to lift heavier which requires more strength. And you strength training guys thinking that you don’t need to care about looks need to think again because in general, the size of your muscles literally determines your potential for how strong you can get. Here’s a picture of a guy who won the title of BEST bodybuilder in the world, 8 time Mr.Olympia Ronnie Coleman training like a powerlifter:

Ronnie Coleman Squat | | Why Strength & Aesthetics are INSEPARABLE | Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

And here’s a picture of a strongman who realized that letting himself go wasn’t the best thing to do and decided to change that:

Strongman Fat Loss Transformation | Why Strength & Aesthetics are INSEPARABLE | Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

Now if this is too much reality for you then go no further, take the blue pill and stay as you are. But if you’re ready for the real deal, watch my video below and I’ll take you into more detail about how the whole system works as a whole to get you maximum results and what it really takes to get there.




Keep Learning, Keep Growing!

P.S. If you’d like more content like this where I demystify dogmas related to fitness, leave a comment below on which topics you’d like covered.

Suneet Sebastian

Suneet Sebastian is a self-confessed fitness science nerd. His passion and desire for learning, educating and promoting critical thinking in the fitness industry is what sets him apart from the average "guru". He has made a name for himself as an elite Strength & Conditioning coach among professional athletes and regular enthusiasts alike with his extremely detailed and thorough advice backed by concrete science and leaves absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to educating and empowering those that seek to take their fitness to a whole new level. To know more about Suneet's background and the story behind the foundation of Sebastian Fitness Solutions, click here.

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